
Showing posts from 2016

Thoughts on teams...random revelation

I am back at work...I know, 9 months went by too fast...but yeah, I 'm back at work at Lidl. To be honest, I expected to just pick up from where I left. It actually felt natural to be back, like I had never left... except for a few things: 1) I had slowed down and my routine got rusty after such a long break... and 2) The team has changed:lost a few teammates and got a few new ones. You can imagine my frustration at being so slow at first that it would take me 4 hours to do the work I used to do in 2 hours or even less! My brain kept telling me I could do better, but my body was not catching up! So I did the one thing I could (and I am ashamed to admit it, but I have to so I can make my point)... No, not focusing on improving myself! That would be the right answer! I actually looked for excuses. And I found the worst ones! No, not that I was tired, or that I was off for too long, or that a baby/toddler at home is draining! That would be a bit more acceptable. My excuses were ...

Over a year later...

     Last time I wrote here, I was 5 weeks pregnant. I had high hopes that finally the little baby would end up in my arms after 9 months. I had my doubts as well, knowing my history, but hope beat fear. And here I am, 16 months later, with the most beautiful baby girl who loves and trusts me with her whole being. She amazes me every day, brightens every aspect of my life, and gives me great hopes for the future. I think every one of us needs a bit of 'baby therapy' to be reminded of the beauty of life, of its purpose, and the simple things that bring happiness - like a toy wrapper, the silky labels on things, the voice of somebody you love.      I love life, I love my little family, I love to love. I want to keep this feeling with me when things go wrong, when I am losing hope, and when life is not as neat as I would like it. In the end, love is what pulls me through. The purpose of life is happiness, and the only way to obtain it is to love. I need to ...