Thoughts on teams...random revelation
I am back at work...I know, 9 months went by too fast...but yeah, I 'm back at work at Lidl. To be honest, I expected to just pick up from where I left. It actually felt natural to be back, like I had never left... except for a few things: 1) I had slowed down and my routine got rusty after such a long break... and 2) The team has changed:lost a few teammates and got a few new ones. You can imagine my frustration at being so slow at first that it would take me 4 hours to do the work I used to do in 2 hours or even less! My brain kept telling me I could do better, but my body was not catching up! So I did the one thing I could (and I am ashamed to admit it, but I have to so I can make my point)... No, not focusing on improving myself! That would be the right answer! I actually looked for excuses. And I found the worst ones! No, not that I was tired, or that I was off for too long, or that a baby/toddler at home is draining! That would be a bit more acceptable. My excuses were ...