Over a year later...

     Last time I wrote here, I was 5 weeks pregnant. I had high hopes that finally the little baby would end up in my arms after 9 months. I had my doubts as well, knowing my history, but hope beat fear. And here I am, 16 months later, with the most beautiful baby girl who loves and trusts me with her whole being. She amazes me every day, brightens every aspect of my life, and gives me great hopes for the future. I think every one of us needs a bit of 'baby therapy' to be reminded of the beauty of life, of its purpose, and the simple things that bring happiness - like a toy wrapper, the silky labels on things, the voice of somebody you love.
   I love life, I love my little family, I love to love. I want to keep this feeling with me when things go wrong, when I am losing hope, and when life is not as neat as I would like it. In the end, love is what pulls me through. The purpose of life is happiness, and the only way to obtain it is to love. I need to love myself first, then love my circumstances. How can I be happy if I look back with regrets or wandering 'What if I had done this or that differently?' How can I be happy if I do not feel grateful for today's blessings? Believe me, each one of us can make a long list of today's blessings! It took me a while to make peace with my past, to accept my choices, because today is wonderful! Today I am happy! And tomorrow will become another today when I can be happy.

   I guess today my heart is just full. I caught a glimpse of what it means to be happy. I want to remember this for future days.

  What are some things that bring you joy and happiness?


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