Life changes

I haven't written anything in more than two years! Wow! Life flies by, and you can easily miss seeing the blessings if you don't stop to breath for a second.

Yes, I am still working at Lidl. It's only one day a week, a 10 hour shift. And why is that? Because now I am a mother of two beautiful, smart, loving little girls. Even though it is the most exhausting thing being with them all the time, it is the most rewarding work. I am so proud of who they are becoming! I do not realise how rewarding it is until someone makes a comment like 'Emma sang with us!' or 'Your girls are so well behaved!' or 'Emma can speak three languages?' Yes, I am a proud mum, but I get swept away by all the playing and reading and singing and hugging that I do not step back to see the results. I just flow with it. So here is a BIG THANK YOU to all those who take a moment to point out to me something related to my girls.

As it seems, I get easily side tracked by talking about my girls. But what about me?... Does Eni still exist?... The answer is Yes, but she doesn't come out often because she is too tired by being a mum.
Yes, Eni is still here, and she is working on herself very slowly. So... working one shift a week at Lidl is the time for Eni to emerge. I work hard, I smile big, and I get to listen and sing along to my favourite songs - they are not even remotely close to nursery rhymes , they are upbeat, and loud! (my girls ask me to change it every time I put it on... ) I also get to talk to a lot of adults! I get to sit at the till for several hours, and get to have short chats that don't involve ducks, buses, poopy nappies, or naptime routines. Eni comes out!
For the past two years I have also kept Eni at the surface by working as an interpreter. I did not think when I moved to England that speaking Romanian and Hungarian would come in handy (and pay!) I get to help patients speak to doctors, translate emergency calls, and even book in offenders at police stations! I get to visit newborn babies and little children, help mothers who do not speak English deal with the challenges of motherhood in a foreign country. And I love it! It makes my heart swell with joy! It makes me feel like I am serving people in my community. It makes Eni come out :)

Yes, motherhood is the most rewarding thing I will ever do. I love, adore, and cherish my family. But I try not forget that I am Eni, not just Mami, and there is more that I can give with my talents.

So life changes, and who knows what comes next? Maybe get lost in parenting, but letting Eni come out a bit :) Because how can I be a good mother if I do not show my girls that I am ME? How can they see that one can use their skills to help others if I do not do it myself? How will they grow to appreciate the value of work if they don't get to see it in the one they look up to the most?

Life changes… and so do we. Let's not lose ourselves in parenting, or work, or the flow of life. Let's embrace change and make the best of it.


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