What WILL I do?

I had the chance to go to Arad last weekend, which happened to be the weekend of the Ukraine Temple dedication. The branch rented a minibus, and a lot of the members got their temple recommends, woke up early in the morning, and at 5 a.m. we were on the way to the Brasov chapel.
The trip was long, but it was all worth it. I don't remember a lot of the  words that were said in the ceremony, but I remember the way I felt. I felt like I was in a temple, and it was so peaceful. There wa one thing that was said that has stuck with me since: "With the occasion of this temple dedication, each and every one of us should rededicate our lives to God."
I have been thinking about that a lot, especially because lately I have been feeling like I wasn't doing my best. With this invitation, I started thinking about what I could do to redeticate myself. I couldn't think of anything, so I started changing that phrase: "rededicate my life to virtue"(be more careful with what I read,watch,think,wear), "rededicate my life to family (future=preparing o be the kind of person someone would love , and to my family now=how to help my parents and my sister with whatever they stand in need of)", "rededicate my life to knowledge (spiritual=prayer+scripture study, secular =read and study many books),"redediacte my life to charity"(love and serve those around me), "rededicate my life to worthiness"(live the gospel the best I can, in such a way that I could enter the temple at any time, that I could feel worthy of standing before my Father and my Savior).
What are some things we could dedicate/rededicate our lives to? What are some things we can do to feel purer, worthier, happier? I am still wondering about these things. The things I wrote are very general, but we need to look for the speciffics. General things are the standard answers we give in seminary or sunday school,  but we need to ask ourselves not what could we do, but what will we do?
What WILL I do?
The members at the temple dedication
In front of the Brasov chapel


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