Without them...

I went for a walk today. Actually, I rode my bicycle. I didn't know where to go, the city is small, and I didn't  feel like joining big crowds. I quickly decided to go to the cemetery. I heard they made some changes, and I wanted to see my grandparents' graves. I haven' been there in over 5 years. It took me a while to find them with all the changes, but I finally got there. I didn't know what to expect or what I would feel.

It was weird! All I felt was gratitude! I looked at my grandparents' and great grandparents' plaques , and I could think of was "Thank you". I felt that because of them I am where I am today, and I can have all these earthly experiences. If only one of them was missing, I wouldn't exist! I do not feel sorrow, or longing, or pain. All I feel is gratitude and joy - gratitude for their choices, for being who they were, and joy because one day I will be able to see them, and get to know them. I know that families can be forever! I will never forget the way I felt when I did the temple work for my grandparents. I felt such a joy thinking that I could be with them some day. Without them, I would be nothing - I wouldn't exist.
Families are forever, and that is why I am grateful for my ancestors, for the plan of salvation, for the knowledge I have received of these things. I can look at graves and feel only hope and joy.


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