What will we leave behind?

Part of my yesterday's "trip" was a stop at the stadium. I hadn't been there in years! Right next to the soccer field, there used to be a big building. That is where they used to have the volleyball court, and gymnastics, and all that cool stuff. It got closed soon after the revolution, but I was curious yesterday to see what has become of it. Here are some pictures to describe what I saw. First, the stands next to the stadium:
and here is the amazing building:
 The broken windows, and the shattered glass-covered sidewalk are so welcoming!
Please take a seat. The game will begin...never!

 Peek-a-boo, I see you!!!
 Who threw that???

It is so sad! why do people destroy things? What about future generations? what about us, today? what about me? There is nothing left to do in this town - no place to play sports, no movie theater, no dance club. Just pubs at every corner. Why am I then surprised that people today  drink their minds away? Why am I surprised that all that guys brag about today is how much they can drink and still be able to stand?
What will I leave behind? How will my actions affect future generations? I choose today to do better, to rise above, and not give in!


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