A weird day

It was a cold morning. The night went by fast. I decided to linger in bed for a few more minutes. In no time, I was asleep again. I had a dream, it was a mix between beautiful and  nightmare. If felt good for a while until I realized in my dream that it was just a dream. Do you know that feeling?
In my dream, I was spending time with a guy that I was madly in love a while back. We were just friends in my dream, and I knew that now, in real life, he didn't feel anything for me but friendship. We were having a great time in my dream, then it all turned into nightmare: he started flirting with me, and told me it had been a mistake to let me go.
I woke up angry, angry at myself for dreaming that! I feel like I am perfectly fine with the way things are, and it makes me angry when my subconscious plays tricks on me like that!
To make up for my nightmare, I had the chance to meet with my very best friend from junior high. We talked for hours, and I felt like time hadn't pass at all, even though we haven't seen each other in 6, no, in 9 yeas! We talked and laughed, and tried to rediscover things about each other. I had a blast! We have both changed a lot, some things for the better, some for the worse, but we still have a lot of things in common. I missed having a best friend to talk to, and I didn't realize it until now how much I missed him. But things cannot be undone.
 Life goes on, and we are on different paths now. Maybe 9 years will pass by until our paths will cross again. And yet, when we will meet again, we will be the same two crazy kids, best friends. These ties are of the heart, and cannot be broken easily. I chose not to break them.
We all need that somebody to talk freely to , to feel good to be ourselves without being judged. Poor kid, he tried to show me what a horrible person he had become, but it did not matter. We all have our flaws, or weaknesses, and we cannot overcome them if we focus only on them. All I can say about who he is today is that he is 10 times better than most of the guys I have met. Not that he is perfect, but he is not a hypocrite... ok, this is turning into another story.
All I have to say ... it was a weird day... it started with missing somebody I will never have in my life, and ending with somebody that will never be a part of my life - both awesome guys...
Good night everyone ... and sweet dreams :*


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