Another Sunday

It's Sunday, only 12 pm. I feel a little uneasy, because usually, at this time, I would be at church. here is the fourth Sunday in a row when I am at home. It makes me feel empty, I feel like I am going numb. I try hard to focus on spiritual things, but I have to admit that it is hard. Do you know what I am listening to right now? EFY (Espeically For Youth). It feels good. I just finished reading the First Presidency message about the Book of Mormon, but I don't have anyone to talk to about it. Can I share it with you?
The Book Of Mormon - A Personal Guide
I just want to add that what he says in there is so true! There are many commandments in this book, and they are not to make our life hard and keep us from doing the things of the world. These commandments are here to guide us on our path, to keep us pure. Why are purity and virtue so important? I see many people making fun of them, or ignoring them. I gave it a lot of thought, and they do not act that way because they are evil, or stupid, but because they do not know! They do not know the joy of a clear conscience! hey do not know the purpose of life! They do not understand their real potential as children of God, the do not know how to use the power given to them as the divine heritage of each of us. If they knew these things, they would live better and happier lives. That is where the Book Of Mormon comes in (and other sacred books like the Bible, and the words of today's prophets). The Book Of Mormon teaches us who we are, what the purpose of life is, and how to follow Christ - out of love, and not obligation. I love its teachings, and I know these are God's teaching for each of us, no matter who we are, the language we speak, the culture we live, or our believes. God's teachings are universal, we just need to seek Him, listen to Him, and feel the joy He is willing to bless us with. I find Him in His book every time I want to hear from Him. I just open the Book of Mormon, and let Him teach me. I want to be taught by Him because I know He is my Father, and I am truly His daughter of spirit, and I know I will return to Him after this life. I know there is a way, and by following Jesus Christ I will not get lost.
It may be another Sunday away from the church, but I refuse to become numb. I refuse to turn away, and I will try to keep my way, Christ's way, because in the end, it is all about being pure and virtuous, filled with love. That is the secret to real joy.


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