Nail polish, flowers, and eternity

I know the title sounds very...confusing, but I do have a funny short story that will go with it, so bear with me :)

Last week I participated in the YSA Conference in Hungary. There, I met a nice man (this is a different story...) with whom I loved to sped my time. During one of the lessons we attended together, he scratched off a bit of my nail polish off my fingernail. I pretended to be upset, so he made up for it by drawing a flower to cover the hole.It looked very good! So i put on my best smile, and asked for him to draw flowers on the rest of my fingernails. I have to admit that I respect him deeply for accepting this challenge considering that he is a man after all! So hands down, he is the best!
Anyway, he drew flowers, and I was so happy! But guess what? My hands got a bit sweaty and the flowers wore off and the ink got all over my hands! I pouted a bit, and asked Peter (that's this gentleman's name) to draw them again. He looked at me and said something that got me thinking: "Why worry? they won't last forever anyway!" I smiled, then started thinking...
Why do I worry about something so trivial and passing? How many times do I worry about things that do not matter in the eternal perspective? How many times do I waste time and effort for things that don't matter?

Since then, I tried to think of things that matter, things worth worrying about, things for which it is worth fighting and sacrificing time and effort. Here is a small list, feel free to add your own.
1. The gospel of Jesus Christ - living and sharing
2. Family - honoring, respecting and helping my parents, then starting my own family
3. Self worth - so many people try to tell me who I am, and have different ideas of who I am, but it's worth finding out and knowing with a firm conviction that I am a daughter of God with great talents that i can use to serve others, and great opportunities in my life if i am ready to do His will
4. Strengthening my relationship with my Heavenly father and getting to know my Savior - without them, I am nothing, with them, I am precious
5. Love - no need to add here, we all strive for this :)

There are many things which are eternal, so let's not worry about flowers that wash off, nail polish that fades away :)


  1. I love this! It's so true! It's weird how easy it gets to lose perspective. Thanks Eni!


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