When life gives you lemons, ignore them... look for strawberries :D

Wow! It's March 1st!!!
La multi ani, de martisor :D
So here I am... a month has past since I got here... where did time go? I have to admit that being here is nothing as I expected it to be. Everything is the opposite: my fears didn't come true, my expectations destroyed, and added blessings that I never thought of ever receiving!
I spent a lot of time complaining, feeling so down and kind of guilty, but I have to admit that that is not what God wanted me to do. He found ways to humble me, to show me that I have to do everything with His help. I know now I am here with a reason. That reason might me just to help me grow, change things in my life that weren't right. And that is perfectly fine. I've learned lately that I can make a lot more out of this experience if I look for the blessings in my life rather than complain about the things I didn't have. I heard something funny the other day, something along the lines of "Not having the things we want makes us want the things we have". it's so true! I have been so blessed o be here! I've had experiences here that I wouldn't have at home, like going to the temple at least once a week, or going country dancing, being in a ward where things run smooth, having access to many books in English (i've read 4 books so far), and learning to make new friends.
Well, the Lord knew how to make me humble and turn to him for help. I finally broke down one evening, wondering what was i doing with my life. It took me a lot of courage (silly me) and went to a friend to ask for a priesthood blessing. It was the thing I needed. I guess I had forgotten that worthy priesthood holders are actually God's mouth for each of us. God talks to us personally through those blessings. And that night was not different, through that blessing, all my questions and worries were answered, and i experienced such love and heavenly comfort! I think that's what God had expected from me all along.
I guess that's how you leave the lemons and find the strawberries... letting God to take control, turn to Him, and don't be afraid to admit that you are week, that you cannot do everything on your own, and don't even know everything!


  1. I really like this post...such a good reminder. At Stake Conference yesterday, one of the speakers was talking about how she is a surfing competitor for international events. She said something that really struck me: Surfing is something I do; it's not who I am." I really like that. What matters in life is who we are becoming, which is hopefully more like Christ.

    I want to go to the temple with you...when can we go?


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