Spring time... good or bad?

Now that spring is here... what? Summer is almost taking over? Where did Time go? ... I got sidetracked... back to my wonderful stories :)
As I was saying, now that spring is here, people put away their winter clothes, and pull out they're hot days outfits. For men is very easy, as one of  the guys in the park the other day proved it. he just dropped his clothes, wearing nothing else but a very short and tight pair of shorts, and a pair of flip-flops. Don't worry, there was nothing appealing about his body...at least not to me. He had his huge belly bouncing, with a fat, hairy chest, with a grin on, looking at every girl in the park. He had a very funny walk, like Robo Cop: "Look at me, I'm the Shiz!!! ". Oh, yes, I believe you are! That is why I do not want to get close to you, because you reek!!!
Now that spring is here, people get out of a hibernation state, and get a lot of crazy ideas. Example: a young and restless guy, somewhere in his twenty's, got very bored and lonely. It was noon, and the idea of attending his college class was sickening, so he had a better idea: why not go to the park, and harass the girls there. He spotted a girl, aka Eni, who was texting. With a huge grin and determination, he went up to her, hugged her tight, sticking to her closer than her shirt, grabbed her butt, and tried to stick his dirty lips on hers. What a shock on that girl! She used her phone as a weapon, and smacked him in the head, yelling at him, and walking away angry, while a crowd of men were laughing at the scene. It must have been a pretty funny one. Too bad I couldn't be in the audience. Why did I get a part in it? Hey, who wrote the script? I have a complaint!
On the brighter side of things, I witnessed one of the nicest scenes yesterday, in the park. I was trying to read, but I got distracted by a child's laughter. As I looked up, I saw a little boy in the grass, playing with his mom. the cute part about it was that next to her was a man in a suit, holding her hand, and laughing with them. He was on his lunch break, trying to spend some time with his family. That will be a lasting , strong family, as long as they continue to spend time together.
Spring is in the air, and there is no way you will find me at home while the sun beacons to me to go and enjoy the soft grass, and the sweet, warm air in the park. So see you around! Enjoy every moment!



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