Movie night
I am alone again. It's hart to find something to do by yourself, especially when you don't have a job. So i try to keep myself busy. I spent almost four hours again studying. I tried to get back on Java script, and HTML... it felt like I was back in school :) It was great. Then, the evening came...what to do, what to do?....hhhmmm... watch a movie!!!! I only have 4 movies saved on my laptop, so the options are 'endless'. I picked 'Cars' for tonight. And it was the wisest choice. I haven't watched it in a while, so it was like watching it for the first time. I was moved by the story, and it got me thinking. I started wondering: What is my dream? What is the most important thing in my life? Who are the most important people in my life? What makes me truly happy? I don't know if I can answer these right now. I haven't given these any thought lately. Maybe that is why I am drifting , feeling lost now. I believe that knowing the answers to these que...