
I woke up with a cold, in no mood of getting out of bed. I got a text this morning from Paul, and it made me smile. I tried to fight the cold, and got some laundry done, and came up with a cool lesson plan for my next English lesson. I felt good, but miserable at the same time. Being sick is no fun!
Then, my phone rings!  I looked at the number, and I had no idea who that could be. I thought it was from some company to ask me to go in for an interview. No, that was not it! It was even better! It was a phonecall from the Negrici family in Pitesti! I love those people, and I have been trying to figure out a way to visit people in the places i served my mission in: Mihai Bravu (Bucuresti), Constanta, Ploiesti and Pitesti. Since I got home over a year ago, I only got to visit Ploiesti once, and Bucuresti twice.
The Negrici's had some good news for me: they have a new member in their family, a beautiful baby girl! I was so happy, I AM so happy for them! They were an example of faithfulness and love when I served there, and I alway looked up to them.

I love them, and I miss them. And I love all those people in Pitesti who made my time spent there so worth all the sacrifice. I wish I could have done even more for them, each and every one of the people I ever met there. I hope they know I love them, even after all this time.


  1. A baby girl! How sweet. What did they name her?

    You were a great missionary with them...and you still love them and try your best to keep in you ARE doing something for them!


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