Family time

I have spent a whole month at home with my family. I haven't done this in a long, long time. I noticed that although we have problems, we are united. I have been wondering how my parents have managed to still be married 26 years later, in spite of all problems. I have seen so many shattered marriages, so many unhappy couples, and I didn't truly understand until tonight how these things work.
I was watching "Lie to Me", a very interesting TV show, when my mom asked me to go for a bicycle rid with her and dad. I rolled my eyes, and got a bit frustrated, but we rode slowly, and we joked, and we laughed. It hit me right there, on the bicycle, that we have to work to maintain unity and love in our family. We have been doing that : bicycle rides, card games, family breakfast/lunch/dinner, watching movies together.  We DO things together,and that makes the whole difference. I am glad that my mom insists on going out together even when I roll my eyes. I love my family, and I hope that one day, i will be just as wise as my parents when I will have my own family.


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