
It's almost the middle of March, and I have been so busy with other stuff, that I haven't gotten yet to write in here.

Today is such a beautiful day! It's sunny, the snow is almost completely gone, and in the sun it's warmer than in my room. Welcome, Spring :D

This past week gave me a lot of things to think about. It started with this guy from work, we have become very close friends, and one night he asked me if I liked him... we had a kind of awkward conversation that ended up well. One of the things he asked me after we cleared the air was if he could be a good candidate for a relationship with me, and what things kept him from being one. I did not expect that question, so I didn't know what to say. I got home from work, and for the next couple of days I thought about it.

I have to say that his personality suits mine perfectly. We have great conversations, very good laughs,  we say the same things at the same time, we trust each other, and we are very attracted to each other (at least I am attracted to him).

I did think of what would bother me about him if we were to be in a relationship: his standards. It is so frustrating because he is such a good guy, but he lacks the understanding of life and its purpose that I have, and so his standards are at the opposite of mine.
1. He is very smart, and his knowledge of things keep him from believing in God (and everything else is related to this)
2. He smokes (my hair and clothes stink after hanging out)
3. He doesn't know what he is doing with his life... I don't have my life figure out either, but at least i know what my destination is

Being friends with him is one of those things that remind me again the importance of standards, of what you want to do with your life. Will you stick to your believes when you are called stupid because of them? Will you keep away from alcohol when every one around you think it's good for you? Will you dress appropriately even when your friends are "attractive" by being immodest?

I wish I could help my friend understand how important these things are to me, to have higher standards than those of the world, to live a rewarding life by pursuing an education and magnifying my talents to use them to make other people's lives better. Life is a gift, a precious one. we never know when this gift will be gone, so what will I do with my time, with my talents? Who will I become? What will people who ever met me will say about me? I wish my friend felt this way, and i wish we all felt this way.

I want to leave the madness of the world outside, take the best I can find around me, and live a rich life - not in money, but in joy. In the end, that is what matters most.


  1. keep holding on to your standards! he will understand some day, whether it be this life or the next. just keep in mind your goal/destination!


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