Back to the basics

Today was a very uplifting day at church. I wanted to see Edy teach, so I went to the Gospel Principles class. The lesson was about who we are, our relationship with God.

First of all, we need to truly understand that God is our literal Heavenly Father. He created us before we came to this earth, we are His spirit children. We lived with Him before we came to earth. As we learn this, and get our conviction about this simple fact, we begin to understand where we stand in His plan.
We are not outcast, He is not punishing us by sending us in this world. On the contrary, we are here because He loves us, and He wants us to go back home to Him. We are here to obtain a body, then to learn step by step to make right choices, to become more like our Father. As we do so, we will one day return to Him, and inherit everything He has.
Yes, we fail along the way, but we have our Savior Jesus Christ to rely on. He atoned for us, and in return, we can repent every day, we can be baptized and cleansed through the Holy Ghost, and we can try again every day to develop our godlike attributes.

Because we are his children, we inherit His attributes: love, kindness, charity, mercy, patience, forgiveness, and many more. Every day we can work on improving these qualities, choose to use these gifts we are born with.
We get so distracted sometimes by our own problems, trials, and pain, by the choices we make, or ways we get to spend out time. We need to return to the basics. It is not that hard! Our parents taught us these things from the time we were barely able to walk: be kind, be polite, don't yell, smile, share, and help.
God does not ask us to move mountains, to solve the hunger problem in the world, or have a big account, big house... He asks of us to be kind, to be loving, to help each other. It is true that we cannot return in God's kingdom on our own. We need to lift each other, and strengthen each other. We do that by using our godlike attributes we were born with, by applying the basics: be polite, be kind, share, listen, smile.

We are all God's children, and He loves each of us. But he cannot hug the lonely, lift the fallen, strengthen the weak, without our help. We have two hands, one heart, and we should make the best use of them.

I wish I could put my feelings on paper -  my feelings for my Heavenly Father who gave me the gift of life, my feelings for my Savior who can strengthen, comfort, cleanse me through His atonement, my feelings for my family here whom I can be with forever because of God's great love for all of us.

Let us go back to the basics, and grow together, learn together, live together, and most of all, return to our Father together.


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