
   This weekend brought a LOT of snow, so I decided to do my part at work quickly, and spend the rest of the day at home - my home :) It is my place of refuge, my haven from the world.
Anyway, this post is not about how good my apartment is, but it's about ME - like always :)

   I looked over my goals for 2012. I don't think I'll do all of those things, but I am doing something else that I swore last year I would not do again. I am on the planning committee for the YSA convention this summer. I decided in November to do things that would get me out of my comfort zone - and I signed up for something waaaay out! But today I realized that what I thought it would be a pain, is actually something I like to do. It's ok, I'm also the head of a subcommittee, no big deal, I guess I jumped out of my zone, not only stepped out of it.
Today i looked over the notes from the last meeting, over the ideas we all contributed with, and tried to figure out what we need to do. I'm still in the dark, I guess... but I had so many ideas, and it felt great! all I have to do now is write them down, and have the guts to share them with the other members - usually, I have ideas, and keep them to myself... This will be one more change :)

   One of the things that changed, which I did not see coming, is traveling to Budapest. I used to be very worried about visiting Hungary because I don't speak the language very well, although I am half Hungarian. Well, now I go a lot there, and to be honest, I look forward to getting the opportunity to visit. I have improved my Hungarian skills, and I do crazy things when I am there, like singing in Hungarian with the sister missionaries at a baptism, or show up at random YSA activities... Yes, I am crazy, I know, but I am not planning on changing this - that is a big NO on my changes list :)

   Last year I changed my job, this year I change myself :) And maybe the person I become will be more marriage material, because that will still stay on my list. Until then, change, change, and change some more.

   I am usually terrified of changes, but after a while, I look back, and I am grateful for whom I have become - well, depending on the kind of change. I'm doing pretty well at this chapter now :)

   The point of this post is to remind myself, and everyone who gets to read this, that change isn't always bad, and changes are a way of improving, growing, becoming a better person.

   What are you going to change?


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