Craciun Fericit :)

It's been so long since I last wrote some thoughts in here! I'm really sorry! But I want to start by saying that I hope that all of you have had some wonderful experiences during these winter holidays. I know I had mine :)
First, this is the picture of our Christmas tree in Arad. Gaby put all the ornaments on it, and Santa brought us presents! How cool is that? Bytheway, I LOVE the tree! So original and unique :)
The Christmas celebration started a little early, on the 18th, with a very beautiful Christmas activity at the Church. We had some mebers share some Christmas messages, after which we had a small concert. The concert came out amazing, and guess what? We only had 1 rehersal! But think of this: if you know Simona, Emi, and Andra, you know you cannot fail having them singing. Yes, I joined them, don't worry! We sang as a small choir a couple of carols, then each of us had a special number. I sang "Away In A Manger". I can't say my voice was amazing, but I put my whole heart into it, and the Cristmas spirit was felt by every person in that room. We all felt like we were there when Christ was born. Then Andra, Emi and Simona left everyone speachless with their amazing performances! Some day I hope I can sing as well as them. They almost made me cry !;)
After that, we had a nice dinner with everyone, we ate lots of sarmale, and cozonac, and Santa came! He called my name, and I almost fell over with my chair! Come on, I'm 24! Give the presents to the kids! But he didn't care! So I got a present! :))
The night ended perfectly with lots of snow. Everything was white, even the roads were covered in snow! And it just kept snowing and snowing! I went downtown with Octavian, a good friend of mine, to enjoy the Christmas lights and music, and mostly the snow :) ... That day felt like Christmas :D
I have a very crazy work schedule, and no days off during holidays, so I was very disappointed when I found out I would work on the night of the 24th. That meant I couldn't go caroling, Santa would stop by my house and wouldn't find me, and I would sleep all day on the 25th! Merry Christmas to me, I thought to myslef, in a very sad mood. So another Christmas away from home...
In the end, Christmas wasn't so bad! On Christmas Eve, the other girl working and I took a lot of food to work: sarmale, salata de beuf, and lots of sweets. We decided we would have a great night. I thought it would end up being just a long party since Christmas is for families. I supposed people would be at home with their loved ones... Wrong! The place was full of people all night long! I guess we were the only thing open in Arad, so everyone came to buy cigarettes and drinks... but the funniest was seeing a lot of people coming to buy presents! I cannot picture that: you had so much time to stop by any store to buy a present, and you come on Christmas Eve all stressed out to find something to buy (prices in our store are almost double from the ones in regular stores) And they would get mad at us if they couldn't find what they wanted! Procrastination vs. preparation!
Another funny thing on Christmas eve, a new trend that left me speachless. Parents taking their children present shopping: "Do you want this toy? Ok, I'll buy it. It's from Santa." Poor kids! Where is the excitement? Where is the waiting, the joy of opening the present? Parents, get a life! Stop thinking of your jobs, of how to make more money, at least for an hour - it can't take more than that to buy a present and wrap it up! It would mean a lot to your children, and to you, when you see their smiles and joy! PS: If I ever do that, please, someone, slap me!!!
So all night we just took turns going in the back, and eating lots of food. I made some phonecalls to friends, adding this way to the Christmas spirit :)
In the morning, I was a wreck! I don't even remember walking home. I went straight to bed. I passed by the Christmas tree, and didn't even notice it! The whole time I thought to myself "We don't even have a tree...". But I slept for a couple of hours, when I was woken up by a very good friend's phonecall, who called to wish me Merry Christmas... With swolen eyes, I got out of bed, and walked downstairs. That was when I saw the tree, and guess what? Santa did come to bring me a present - I guess I wasn't that bad this year. He brought me peanutt butter and a very nice scarf. I was so happy! ... one more point for a good Christmas :)
Christmas day ended really nice. I went over to see Simona, and we ened up watching a movie, and falling asleep :)) Go Christmas Party :)) Ok, we had a lot of cake, and tea :)
Christmas is past, now I'm waiting for New Years... a lot of changes coming up! And I'll tell you all about it later :D LA MULTI ANI
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