Three day vacation

I realised I hadn't written in here in forever, so I decided to get off my tired butt, and write a bit.
I had the great opportunity to get 4 days off - I did work 3 night shifts in a row to make it possible, which i never intend to do ever again. Why was I so crazy, work many hours for some days off? Well, I decided to go to Bucuresti. Yes, I went there for a visit! I did have some business to take care of, but most of the time was just for fun, fun, fun!!!
I went there for a visa interview, a visa for going to visit to the US. I was so stressed about it, I got a lot of papers done, and in the end, the interview went really smooth, and none of the papers were necessary. Maybe the fact that I had a previous visa helped a lot. Anyway, I have a 10 year visa!!!
But the interview was just three hours of my tie spent there. My first day in Bucuresti, I spent most of the time with the missionaries. It was so good to meet with those I had served with, companions and Elders that had been in my district. I have to admit that it was weird to hang out with them when I was wearing pants, and high heel boots, all dressed up, while the were wearing their missionary outfits, with nametags on. But we had a blast going to the mall, and have lunch at Burger King, have McFlurries from McDonalds (just like good old days when I served in Bucuresti), and mostly to catch up on things with everyone.
The next two days were spent with some of my favorite friends. I was so happy to be able to meet with so many of them! Seriously, I thought I would not get to see them any time soon!
Wednesday was such a good day! After stressing out, and sweating like crazy waiting at the embassy (all for nothing, the interview was piece of cake!), I had the chance to have lunch with Brenda Benson and her parents (I had served with her in Ploiesti for two transfers). We had a blast at Sora Gorzo's, laughed and joked, then I took off to meet with one of my best best BEST friends, Amalia. We had so much fun eating (what else could we be doing) and shopping for earrings :D I loved sitting with her, and just talk, being totally open about things. I didn't realise how much I missed her until I met with her!
From dinner with her, I ran to meet with Edith and Marina(aka Janiac) from Pitesti to go and have dessert! We had a blast making plans, and talking about good old days... I miss my mission friends!!!
Anyway, the day ended with a very chill and pleasant evening at the Marriott hotel with Tim Zemp and his parents. i had the best milkshake ever, and laughed a lot while feeling like I wasn't in Romania anymore! That hotel is amazing!!! I was so tempted to take off my shoes an walk barefoot on the thick carpets, but I didn't... I did hat last time, so I just relived it in my mind.
My last day there I got the chance to visit with Alina from Ploiesti, and have lunch at KFC :D We laughed soooo much, and we didn't realise that time had past so fast! unfortunately, we both had to take off, go and see other people. I was so happy to be able and see Sora Oros, and have lunch with her. She turned on the TV n VH1 Classic, made french fries, and had huge scoops of ice cream. We talked and we laughed, and talked about old days.
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to meet with more people. But one thing I realised was that people remembered me, and the fact that I isolated myself, and moved on with my life didn't change the service I gave them, the love I tried to show back when I was a missionary. I didn't realise that my mission would have such a lasting effect on others!
Now I'm back in Arad, back to work, dead tired, but happy :) I have a lot of plans to make, things to set in order, and get ready to take off. America, here I come!!!


  1. Felicitari pentru viza!!! Nu imi vine sa cred ca ti-au dat-o pentru 10 ani, dar are sens. cand o sa vi? Presupun c vei veni si in Utah? Poate ne vedem daca ai timp, stiu ca esti populara si ocupata. :D


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