2:47 AM

Here I am again, at work. It's 2:47 AM, and I'm trying to keep myself awake, and entertained. It's quiet, and peaceful. I am glad it is this way ... in a way... I just started a new work schedule: 24 hours of work in two days, then 24 hours of work in two nights, then two days off... I feel like all I do is work and sleep. I forget to eat sometimes... just because I am too tired :D It sounds like a pretty good diet, doesn't it?
There are some good things about working so much. I get to have a lot of random experiences. For example, I had a customer who asked for a cup of tea. I could tell by his accent he was from England. He asked me a weird question before leaving: "Are you a Christian?" I answered I was. He said he was sure I was Orthodox because everyone was. I told him I was actually a Mormon. His face lit up, and said he was too, but could not  go to church often because he was traveling all the time. I gave him the church's address and he was so happy! I don't know if he got the chance to go since I worked on Sunday as well, but it felt good to talk to him.
We got new computer software and systems that we have to work with now. I spent one night trying to figure out everything about these computers. By morning, I could answer any question about them. So now, a week later, I still help my coworkers understand how the new system works. I think they still don't get it because they wait for someone to solve every problem, answer every question they have. In my opinion, they would learn a lot faster if they had the desire to, and if they tried to solve everything on their own. Maybe that is why I didn't learn a lot in school. I expected the teacher to help me with everything. All I know now is from the books I studied on my own, the experiments  made on my poor computer (we've been through so much together!).
One thing I love about my job is that we have AC. While at home I sleep on the floor with no covers on, and the window open, and still sweat like a ...hmmm...dog?... I get to enjoy the cool air here. I wish I could take it home with me... some day :D
It's 3:07 AM... and story telling is over. Talk to ya later! Enjoy every moment, and look for the good in any situation!


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