Lost in thought....

Here I am, at home, dead tired, dreading the hour I will have to wake up and go to work. I don't get it! I used to love working at OMV! But things have changed so much, that I cannot find the motivation to keep going.
I remember how fun it used to be when all of us were united, and tried to help eachother out. I have made some good friends working there. Sadly, I watched some of them eave, and being replaced with others - others who are being incompetent, are being lazy, and spread rumors. They make our work a lot harder! I think that it is stressful enough to have to work 60 hours a week, both day and night shifts, for less a little less than 200$ a month. The sad thing is we cannot complain to the boss since the new commers are all his relatives!
And now, here I am, working to cover both my spot, and my coworker's, and in the end to have people talk behind my back that I am lazy... Why should I even care?
Being always exhausted, and not having enough money to support myself, etermined me to go to my boss and ask to give me a different position, considering that I am qualified for it, where I would work less, and it would be less stressful, and for almost 300$ a month. My boss told me he would think about it, and two weeks have passed, and nothing happened. Actually, something did happen: he put his daughter-in-law on the position that I asked. That was the last straw!
I am angry, I am frustrated, and I am fed up with being treated like this. I am going to go to my boss and ask for a raise, or get that position that I applid for. If not, I will quit  my job. I am not a robot, I am not a superhero, and I cannot go on like this anymore. Hopefully, I will get something better.
I will post the result of my actions soon enough. Until then, let's have some fun!!!! ... I'm off to bed :)


  1. Oh Eni, I'm so sorry! Life's too short to be miserable. Good luck and I'll be praying for you! Stay calm and stick to your guns. Love you!


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