Thoughts running through my head

It's 10:40 pm, a hot summer night. Nothings feels better than sleeping with the window open... but right now, nothing could sound worse. Some crazy neighbor across the street is listening to manele so loud that the entire steet can hear it!!! The sound of it makes  me... angry? annoyed? Bleah! I can't hear my own music unless I turn it up, but I won't be able to sleep then. So I guess that there is only one thing left to do...sadly, I have to close my window! Thank you, considerate, loving neighbor!

Now that I'm awake again, I can write in here. I haven't done this in a while. One thing I started doing again is programming in C++. I wrote a little program, a temperature converter. It was so much fun to write, and even though dealing with the errors was a bit frustrating, it made it even more interesting and fun for me.

I just had an awesome lesson with a very good friend of  mine. He taught me a bit about the secrets of servers. At first I felt like an idiot. I had no idea what he was talking about. My stupid pride! There are so many things I don't know, and I don't know it because I am too prideful to ask. But tonight, I asked. I asked because I trusted him, I trusted him not to make fun of my limitations, of me. And you know what? He didn't! And it was so much fun to learn from him! I was still nervous till the end of our conversation, but at the end, I was smiling, and I felt better. Here's a little secret about me: having a guy teach me something is so sexy! Such a good night after all! If it hadn't been for my crazy neighbor, I wouldn't have had this nice, sexy conversation!

I am ready to go to bed. Good night to you!


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