
Showing posts from December, 2010

Sunday School lesson-personal lesson

Today I was too tired at church. I was supposed to translate for the senior couple for all three hours, but after sacrament meeting, my brain was fried. We had Sunday school with Sora Mogos, and to be honest, it felt good to enjoy a lesson without having to translate (I asked Elder Wirthlin to do it). We had a lesson about Jesus Christ, and we all shared what we knew about Him, and tried to learn from each other. At one point, we started talking about the atonement. As we were talking, I started understanding something about Jesus Christ that I knew before, but didn't really comprehend it, it only sunk in today. It started while talking about the greatest commandment in the scriptures: to love God with all our heart, and our fellow men as ourselves. I thought about him leading the people of Israel in the old days (the old testament times).I thought about his life, the miracles he performed. I thought of his sacrifice. I thought of him leading the church today. Why has he done ...

Christmas time :)

I have been listening only to Christmas music this month, and it feels amazing! I am getting into the Christmas spirit, and it makes me happy. Here is a Christmas video - a piano duet and organ rendition of "Angels We Have Heard On High". sing along :D

A visit to the dentist...

This is a funny song, I love it. I like it just as much as going to the dentist. I am not being sarcastic, I do like going to the dentist. Some of you don't know the horrible teeth I had before 2006, when I found the perfect dentist. Here are two pictures of me at the end of 2005, to get a small idea: As you can see, having ugly, yellow, black, teeth did not stop me from having fun, and laugh. But it wasn't pretty. I went to three different dentists who tried to fix my teeth, but in the end they told me they had to extract them, and put fake ones in. I was 19,almost 20! I did not want to have fake teeth, so I just accepted the way I looked.  At the beginning of 2006, I knew for sure I would serve a mission. I knew I had a year and a half to get all my problem fixed (especially my teeth... my molars were a wreck, worse than my front teeth). I heard about a young dentist that works very cheap, so I decided to invest my scholarship in my teeth. I went to him, and he was shock...

Me, myself, and I

The title sounds a bit selfish, very self-centered, right? Yes, this post is about me (just like the previous n+1 posts). But this post is about something I tried to do, but now I realize is very foolish of me to do. The other day I created a new blog -  my new blog . It was a great idea at first. I got very excited about it, it made me feel good about myself. Today, walking home, I realized it shouldn't. And you know why? The intention behind that blog was to share all the spiritual things I learn, what I feel about the gospel, and make this blog more light hearted. I also thought that I about creating a diffrent one where I can post my pictures, make it a photography blog. There you go,3 blogs: ME, MYSELF, and I. Why do I think it's a bad idea? I will tell you anyway - because it would mean presenting me to the world as 3 different people. Some would see one side of me, while others another one. I am not 3 people in one! I am Eni, the ONE and only! Yes, I do have man...

December 1st :D

I am proud to be a Romanian! I am proud of my heritage, of the teachings I received from my parents in this beautiful country. I am grateful I got to serve a full-time mission in my country, to meet so many Romanians, to get to love them and serve them. I am grateful I got to see so many beautiful places in this country that I probably couldn't have seen otherwise. I know we, as a nation, are not perfect, and we have many things in our history, in our present also, that we cannot brag with, but I am excited to strive to improve so that anyone who meets me can say 'I like Romanians'. This is my country, and I love it. LA MULTI ANI, ROMANIA!!!

The tower of Babel...on a smaller scale ;)

I have the tendency to talk to people on their own language. I feel like we are not on the same page if I don't. For example, talking to the missionaries in Romanian is weird! I feel like the words are void of meaning, but when we speak English, there is a connection. I know, I am weird! It is the same when I talk to my dad, I can only talk to him, and open up to him, if I speak in Hungarian. The problem arises when we have a new kid in our branch, who speaks a different language. For example, we have a new member, a 25 year old Italian guy. He got baptized two weeks ago, and he came to Romania to study ( he will probably be here for the next 6 years). He speaks very well Romanian (considering that he has been in Romania for only 3 months, his skills are very impressive), but my brain is trying hard to recover those lost memories from the Italian classes I took when I was a high school junior. It is weird that while we talk, Italian words pop into my head. Now I have a new goal: ...