Me, myself, and I

The title sounds a bit selfish, very self-centered, right? Yes, this post is about me (just like the previous n+1 posts). But this post is about something I tried to do, but now I realize is very foolish of me to do.

The other day I created a new blog - my new blog. It was a great idea at first. I got very excited about it, it made me feel good about myself. Today, walking home, I realized it shouldn't. And you know why?

The intention behind that blog was to share all the spiritual things I learn, what I feel about the gospel, and make this blog more light hearted.
I also thought that I about creating a diffrent one where I can post my pictures, make it a photography blog.

There you go,3 blogs: ME, MYSELF, and I. Why do I think it's a bad idea? I will tell you anyway - because it would mean presenting me to the world as 3 different people. Some would see one side of me, while others another one. I am not 3 people in one! I am Eni, the ONE and only!

Yes, I do have many spiritual experiences every day, and  I do want to share them with you. I also love photography, and I will share some of my favorite photos with you. Also, I am crazy and spontaneous (even at work), and I am not ashamed of it.

What I am trying to say is this blog represents me - crazy, boring, inspiering, it can even be quiet for a long time. This is me, and I cannot separate any part of me. If I choose not to be myself, then I choose to be nothing.

My advice to you is keep the ME, MYSELF, and I in one, do not try to separate any part of you just to please X or Y. Be yourself! You will find inner peace, self acceptance, and even come to love yourself for who you truly are.


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