A visit to the dentist...

This is a funny song, I love it. I like it just as much as going to the dentist. I am not being sarcastic, I do like going to the dentist. Some of you don't know the horrible teeth I had before 2006, when I found the perfect dentist. Here are two pictures of me at the end of 2005, to get a small idea:

As you can see, having ugly, yellow, black, teeth did not stop me from having fun, and laugh. But it wasn't pretty. I went to three different dentists who tried to fix my teeth, but in the end they told me they had to extract them, and put fake ones in. I was 19,almost 20! I did not want to have fake teeth, so I just accepted the way I looked. 
At the beginning of 2006, I knew for sure I would serve a mission. I knew I had a year and a half to get all my problem fixed (especially my teeth... my molars were a wreck, worse than my front teeth). I heard about a young dentist that works very cheap, so I decided to invest my scholarship in my teeth. I went to him, and he was shocked when he saw my teeth. He told me that yes, i had frail teeth, but the dentists before had done a crappy job that worsened my problems.
For a year, I went to his cabinet two or three times a week. After 8 months, I got the chance to go to Orlando on a work exchange program, and by then, my teeth looked like this:

It does look better, right? I have to admit it was painful sometimes, but bearable. I had times when I sat on that chair for three to four hours. but it was worth it in the end. I came back from Florida, and then for another 6 months I went to get all my molars fixed. By May 2007 I was ready to turn in my mission papers.
Why did I look forward to meeting with the dentist? Because he was young and good looking, and we always had things to talk about - life principles, politics, school stuff, ideals in life... it felt good to talk on a different level than with my roommates or classmates. I had a secret crush on him :)

Two weeks ago I started being very frustrated and worried because I had terrible toothaches whenever I ate chocolate. I cannot live without chocolate! so during lunch one day, I wrote in my planner "visit the dentist". That same evening, I was shopping in Kaufland with a friend of mine, when I saw Adi (the cute dentist). We were both beaming as we talked for a second. The next day i made an appointment, and yesterday I went for a check up.
It was great being there again. We talked for a while (not for long though, having my mouth open makes it impossible to talk), and we had a good laugh. In the end, it turned out I had only a minor enamel problem. My next visit is for next year in the summer (just a check, in 3 years since he finished his work, I only had to go to get them cleaned). I was a bit sad thinking I wouldn't get to see him till then, but now my friend has to go to a dentist, and she is scared, so I will go with her. She will go there a couple of times, and there are more good things coming out of it:
1. She will have better teeth
2. She will get over her fear of the dentist
3. I get to see Adi

Isn't it great to go to the dentist?


  1. I never knew that Owl City had a song titled “Dental Care”! Anyway, there’s really nothing to be afraid of the dentist. They don’t mean any harm at all; they’re just looking after our dental health and help us maintain perfect healthy set of teeth. That is something we should be thankful for!


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