Sunday School lesson-personal lesson

Today I was too tired at church. I was supposed to translate for the senior couple for all three hours, but after sacrament meeting, my brain was fried.
We had Sunday school with Sora Mogos, and to be honest, it felt good to enjoy a lesson without having to translate (I asked Elder Wirthlin to do it).
We had a lesson about Jesus Christ, and we all shared what we knew about Him, and tried to learn from each other.
At one point, we started talking about the atonement. As we were talking, I started understanding something about Jesus Christ that I knew before, but didn't really comprehend it, it only sunk in today.
It started while talking about the greatest commandment in the scriptures: to love God with all our heart, and our fellow men as ourselves.
I thought about him leading the people of Israel in the old days (the old testament times).I thought about his life, the miracles he performed. I thought of his sacrifice. I thought of him leading the church today. Why has he done all these things? Because he loves us. But how does he love us? It wasn't just the superficial love that leads us to care about people. It wasn't just a one time thing, and it didn't fade with time. He knows each of us better than we know ourselves. He knows us from the preexistence  , he knows us the way we were then, he know who we are now, and he knows what we can become. He knows our weaknesses, he knows our sins. I know myself, and a lot of times I am disappointed with myself, and sometimes I even wonder how I can be so evil. And yet, he loves me! He loved me enough to die for me, to fight for me to make it possible to live with him someday. He loved , and loves me, with such a deep and everlasting love that he wants me over there. He wants each and every one of us to make it back to our heavenly Father. That is how strongly he loves us. Can you comprehend that kind of love? No matter how much time we spend apart from him, no matter how rebellious or sinful we are, he is always ready to bless us, to love us, to forgive us.
How can we feel his love? How can we enjoy his blessings? Only by loving him back. As he told us, "If ye love me, keep my commandments". It is not that hard, right? We only need to live the best way we know how. We need to seek him in prayer and scripture study, go to church to learn of him, attend the temple to get closer to him. I don't know what it feels like to love somebody to the point of sacrificing all of yourself for the one you love, but I do hope to feel like that someday. That day I will understand better Jesus Christ. The most important thing to remember about him is LOVE. He lived in love, died because of love, still speaks today to show us love.


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