The tower of Babel...on a smaller scale ;)

I have the tendency to talk to people on their own language. I feel like we are not on the same page if I don't. For example, talking to the missionaries in Romanian is weird! I feel like the words are void of meaning, but when we speak English, there is a connection. I know, I am weird! It is the same when I talk to my dad, I can only talk to him, and open up to him, if I speak in Hungarian.
The problem arises when we have a new kid in our branch, who speaks a different language. For example, we have a new member, a 25 year old Italian guy. He got baptized two weeks ago, and he came to Romania to study ( he will probably be here for the next 6 years). He speaks very well Romanian (considering that he has been in Romania for only 3 months, his skills are very impressive), but my brain is trying hard to recover those lost memories from the Italian classes I took when I was a high school junior. It is weird that while we talk, Italian words pop into my head.
Now I have a new goal: learn Italian to be able to have long conversations with Francesco. Believe me, my brain is forcing me! There is a small tower of Babel in my head, languages switching more often than I would choose to. It is tiering, and frustrating, but I love the challange. We will see how long my brain can put up with it. When will the tower shatter to pieces? Hopefully, not any time soon :)


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