Taking "crazy" as a compliment

I have been feeling a bit frustrated lately because I get to work with people with low standards, and low expectations from life. It's not their fault, I don't accuse them or point at them, but I have to say that it's hard to have meaningful conversations with that kind of people. Maybe that is why I miss going to school...
Anyway, the other day, my two coworkers were talking about life, but all they could say about what they expect to do after work was having sex. I rolled my eyes, and found stuff to do. I thought of what I would like to do in my time off work, and I tried to join in the conversation with my ideas:
1. Go swimming twice a week
2. Save money to travel to places - not too far, just around here; we have so many gorgeous mountains, and monuments... taking the train is cheap
3. Go ice skating
4. Read more books

Those were just some of my ideas, and I got very excited as I started talking about these things. They both looked at me like I were some kind of idiot, they started laughing, and called me "crazy" ( not the cool crazy, but the idiot crazy). I was shocked at first, but after a moment I realized that if doing these things meant to be crazy, I WANT to be crazy,lunatic, or whatever they might call me!

Life is short, but beautiful. Life is short, but meaningful. What are we going to do with the time that we are given here? Let us be crazy, and make our lives count! I refuse to work just to eat and sleep! Life is more than that!

Thank you for the compliment :D


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