Customer Service

I am totally annoyed, and frustrated... and...ah... I work as a cashier at a gas station, which also has a buffet and a small store. I get to serve over a hundred people a day... I love doing that, I like to smile at people, be nice to them (even when they are angry and yell at me about the gas prices going up). I thought I had good people skills, that I was doing a pretty good job. To be honest, for the past month, I have been feeling like I wasn't too good at it because I could not remember their faces, or their preferences ( cigarettes, drinks, food...), I felt like I was becoming more of a robot...

Last night, the girl I work with told me all the things people talk behind my back (people like my boss's wife, and the secretary who used to work at the buffet with me, the administrator, basically all other employees..).
1st problem: during the night shift, when sweeping and mopping, even with no customers around, I am not allowed to dance...
2nd - I talk too much to the customers (i usually just ask them if they would like to have something else...)

I was shocked! First, I clean the place thoroughly, I put stuff on the shelves, I do everything I am supposed to do, and not only i do it, but I do it well. Second, I thought that making the customer feel good is our main purpose. If they are happy, and are taken care of, they will more likely buy more than just gas!

I am annoyed mostly because no one has the courage to tell me these things to my face. They use the poor girl I work with to send me messages :" tell Eni not to dance anymore", " tell Eni not to talk to customers anymore"... I want to see the day when they will get the courage to come up to me, and tell me all these things... it will be such a relief!

The good thing about this is that since they stopped liking me, they ignore me completely, they don't even say "Hi" anymore, which makes me happy! I don't have to put up with idiotic comments anymore, like "the bills are face down instead of face up"... "you don't know how to use the stapler"... "you are not sick, you are just pretending" (while I cough until I spit blood)

Oh, the world I live in! It sure makes my life more interesting, less boring, and gives me stories to share :) working at this gas station just made me appreciate more the friends I have, the support and love of my family, and the brain my parents taught me to use to my benefit.


  1. some people are so ridiculous. wanting you to not talk to the customers?! what are you supposed to do then-ignore them? then they would get mad at you for that. my point is that i admire you for your patience--i would lose it!


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