
I had another long night at work. I have been feeling so tired lately! It makes me feel horrible because I feel like I'm wasting time with all this sleeping during the day... Oh well, what can I do? Life goes on, right?

But I can't complain. I am blessed with many things. Last night, I was talking to one of my coworkers, who was very frustrated that he doesn't earn as much as he would want. I told him I  was frustrated also that I couldn't do more, like go swimming, buy a nice camera, go on vacation, but I named some of the things I don't lack: I have food to eat, a warm house I live in, clothes to keep me warm, a nice notebook to keep me connected to the world, health to work hard and have fun. He was confused. I don't blame him since all he wants from life is to have a girl to sleep with every night... sigh... that's a different story, moving on.

My two coworkers took a break for an hour, and I was left by myself to watch over the store. People came, and they were very nice. I had some interesting conversations, and something that surprised me was that almost every customer left me tips (that usually doesn't happen to me). I thanked each of them, then counted my blessings. This was one of them. But my thought was different this time. You know when you get richly blessed, or receive your answer to your prayers, you usually think :"I must have done something right!" My thought last night was :"I am not worthy of these rich blessings!". I got a total of 19 ron tips (that is a lot to me), and it came at a time when I was short on money. I do not call that coincidence.
I spent the rest of the time I had alone sweeping and mopping, the whole time thinking of the things I can change in my life to become worthy of the blessing I have been receiving. I know I cannot be perfect, but I can try to become kinder, more forgiving, more loving, and mostly more humble. If I become more humble, I recognize the blessings, I recognize my weaknesses (not like I have any, just saying;) ) and I can change. Why is change so important? Because I am happy when I live a worthy life. 

I have been richly blesses, and not only with money. This winter, I've been able to stay healthy in spite of the severe cold weather. I have been able to work even night shifts, which are a pain for me. I have been blessed with parents who even though they love and miss me, support me in what I do, believe in me even when I don't. I have the gospel of Jesus Christ that teaches me how to live in such a way to have joy in my life. I have friends with high standards who help me stay on the path I chose to follow when I got baptized. I have a loving Heavenly Father who listens to me, and comforts me when there is no one around to pull me up. 

The list of blessings can go on, but I think you got the point. I am richly blessed, but somehow, I feel that there is more that I can do to be worthy of all of these. I'd better start working on those things so I can tell my Father :"Thank you!"... and to myself "I must have done something right!"


  1. Nice, that is a miracle that you got 19 ron in tips. That is a lot in RO. You deserved it, even if you don't feel like that. Really it was a way that the the Lord showed you that He knows your needs and he gave you a tender mercy. I am glad you stay optimistic about life. Esti minunata! Te pup.


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