Another convention...

Yes, we had our Seminary and Institute convention! It was a blast! I have to admit though that I expected it to be a total disaster. I wasn't good at planning the little details, and having to conduct the fireside was nerve wrecking. I stressed all the girls on the train: "I don't have all the music picked!" , "Will someone be there to open the door?", "What will people think?", "I don't speak Hungarian!" (and the list goes on...) and here is what happened: We got to the chapel, and realized 3 things: we didn't have hymnbooks, no assigned pianist and music conductor... So  I went running down the streets downtown Oradea to find a place at 6 pm where I could make copies of the hymns. Then, as the youth came, I just "attacked" them with the question "Do you play the piano?" Luckily, someone did, and she was very nice to accept to play. Then, from Hungary as well, someone volunteered to conduct the music (I LOVE it when people volunteer, it takes some of the stress away). So that was the crazy part. And here comes the fun part that will make everyone jealous that they didn't attend this convention.

We started with a fireside where we had President Baughman (mission president in Hungary) speak about some important things like : think the unthinkable, marry young, and get out of your comfort zone. He talked about the apostasy, and related these topics to it. It opened my eyes, and made me decide to step up, take charge of things in my life, even if it means getting out of my comfort zone.
We then cleared the room, and danced to all kinds of music. We had some funny moments (me falling down ... the too slippery floor+bare feet...), some nice ones when guys actually invited girls to dance, and totally a blast when the floor was full. The party continued at the dorm, but we didn't last long... at least not me! I was dead tired from all the dancing :D I was the last one in my room to go to bed though, so that's an achievement, right? ;)
In the morning we had breakfast, and I had the chance to run over to Sora Fodor, and talk to her. She's my guardian angel, and that visit made me see my weaknesses, the things I can work on, and made me want to become better. With that uplifting Spirit, I got to the Institute lesson ready to learn, and with a desire to apply what I learn. Marin did an excellent job with the lesson. He had some very good comments about tolerance and forgiveness. I felt like the lesson was aimed at me :D After his lesson, we had a presentation from a senior couple serving in Szeged. They talked about how we are stakes in the church. That we need to stay strong. We need to grow roots to keep us well grounded, and to help us blossom wherever we are.
We went afterwards for a walk, and we visited the ruins of the Oradea fortress. It was a nice walk, and we had time to talk and joke and laugh some more (and I got to take more pictures!!! :D )

My favorite part was seeing my friends that I don't get to meet with often. I got to use the little Hungarian I know, and because of that I made people laugh :D My skills have gone down, but I will do my best to improve... especially since from February I will have the Hungarian citizenship...

I am grateful for all the church activities that help me know myself a little better, and bring me closer to my Savior, and closer to other people who share my believes. So yes, I am a horrible leader, but in the end it didn't matter: we all had the same goal, the same desires, and we all had a good attitude. This turned out to be the best Seminary and Institute convention I have attended because of the people who were there, the lessons that were taught, the friendships that were strengthened.


  1. Yay that is sweet:). I like your blog:)

    I love JESUS CHRIST ! he is the best

    Ps. I love Hungary;D

  2. I like your enthusiasm :) I might stat writing more often :D


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