Remembering college

I went on a trip to Budapest last weekend. I had around 2000Ft to spend, which is not a big fortune, but enoug to have fun with.
After the meetings I attended, I got to the trainstation half an hour early. I still had 300Ft left in my pocket... I didn't know what to buy - most things were over 500Ft. What coud I buy? Lo and behold! An used book stand! Guess what was the book lying on top of the pile? Programming in VRML v.2!!! Ok, it was in Hungarian, but programming is the same in any language!
I spent most of the trainride back looking over the book, smiling, remembering the good old days I spent in college designing, and creating 3D stuff. It also reminded me of the hours spent in the BYU library... 100Ft very well spent!


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