Be men

I think I posted this before, but I can't find it anywhere! Maybe it was just a group email? Anyway, I am writing this again after having a small argument over a joke I posted on Facebook. 

My post today is about one of my personal studies on my mission, it was during my first transfer, it started lightly, but then it took up my whole study time that morning. I kept adding to it whenever I found something interesting in the scriptures :) And yes, I made my companion laugh at this, but you will see that it is pretty serious. And yest, I laugh at myself for studying this on my mission :D

It started with verse 21 in 2 Nephi 1, where Lehi gives his last advice to his sons before he dies. He tells them among other things :"Be men". A question popped into my head: What does it mean to be a man?

I will just quote some scriptures:
  • Be strong (1 Kings 2:2)
    • keep all the commandments (Deuteronomy 11:8)
    • not faint when facing adversity (Proverbs 24:10)
    • humble (Ether 12:27)
    • keep the Word Of Wisdom (D&C 89)
    • endure all things for Christ's sake (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)
  • Alma 48:11-13,16
    • strong and mighty
    • of perfect understanding - wise, yet harmless (Alma 18:22)
    • does not rejoice in bloodshed
    • rejoices in liberty and freedom
    • heart full of thanks to God
    • labors diligently for the welfare of his people (family, friends,neighbours...)
    • firm in the faith of Christ
    • keeps the commandments of God
    • resists iniquity
  • Of good courage (2 Samuel 10:12)
  • 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
    • watchful
    • stands fat in the faith
    • is strong
    • do all things with charity
  • D&C 38:24-25
    • esteem everyone as himself
    • practice virtue and holiness before God

These are some things that every man should seek for, and every woman should look for these things in a man. It is not about the clothes he wears, the bank account, the car he drives, or how expensive are the presents he buys. Being a man is more important than all these things. I want to end with something I say online the other day. It is a message from mothers.

So guys, man up! :D


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