Gotta love Facebook...

So last night I posted a little joke we said at the Church, and I was shocked that a lot of people took seriously what I said... why do people take seriously everything others post on Facebook?

To make it clear again: it was a joke! And here it is, again: "All men are pigs. The quest is to find the best pig for you."

Here is the context of it. We had a YSA dinner, and we were sitting around the table, eating and talking - that's what girls do when they get together. There was some complaining about some guys's behavior. The mood was pretty gloomy, and all of the sudden, someone who is married, said the before mentioned joke. We all laughed, and we moved to talking about other things like school, vacation, and other light, fun stuff.

Some people got offended after posting this on Facebook. So I am trying to make amends with all those who are angry with me.

I was thinking about this statement, and to be honest, there is not one girl who hasn't called at least one guy "pig" or "jerk" or... Anyway, this part is a message to all women out there who think this of men. We can sit and complain all day about guys. Whoever we pick to talk about, we can find faults in him. There is no perfect guy! And guess what? There is no perfect woman either! We are all in the same bucket. What this little joke meant to say is that all men are imperfect. The quest is to find the best imperfect man for you.

Just so you know, I love men :D And I do appreciate the good ones :) ... and only because one or two are being jerks , doesn't mean all of them are. 

To those who took this seriously: I AM SORRY!!!. And I will never post anything degrading anymore, even if it's meant to be a joke. I've learnt something form this experience, so moving on :)


  1. Hihi. I didn't take it seriously. It reminded me of my logic class at BYU and how we learned about fallacies. Many women have bad experiences with men, and I hope that they will find their match and change their mind. Having said that. most men do stink, burp, and come home dirty. LOL What is funny is that my little boy thinks his dad is cool when he burps or releases some other bodily odors; if i would ever do it, my little boy would think I am gross. It is ok for daddy and him to be "pigs"

    1. This is so funny! Men are allowed to be pigs ... love it! :D


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