Random thoughts on a random Sunday

I know, the title looks silly...especially that my thoughts are random, but they came after a series of events.

I've been working hard lately on preparing for EFY, and helping with the planning of the international YSA Conference that will be held in Hungary this year. I also tried to keep up with my local church responsibilities - teaching Institute classes, helping the YSAs become more active in the faith. I have to admit that I love being busy, but sometimes (and this weekend was one of those times) I feel like the more I try to get things right, the more I see my weaknesses. I have no idea why, but I see my flaws, my shortcomings, and my weaknesses. I start feeling like I am not the right person for this, that I have too many things to change in my life. And I get overwhelmed, I get scared, I get discouraged. I still don't give up on things because I have my pride - do everything I can to finish everything I get started on.

Anyway, I was asked to teach Sunday School this Sunday. I forgot to ask which lesson, and I was also in Budapest last weekend. I prepared the lesson that I thought we were on, but it wasn't the right one... not the right one for them, but it was the right one for me. One thing that stuck with me out of the lesson was that the way to resist all the temptations, bad influences in life, is by constantly praying. I sat and thought of it for a while, and I realized that it doesn't mean I have to stay on my knees all the time and pray, or to have 10 fixed times to stop out of my activities and pray. But it means to have my heart turned to the right One, to Christ. When my desires, my thoughts, and my actions become aligned with His, then I am constantly praying. Prayer is a communication with the Divine. As I live worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost, I am connected to my Heavenly Father.

Those were my thoughts throughout the day. Still, I kept on having thoughts about how far I am from who I can be, and I kept analyzing the things I've been doing, and not doing, this past week. The more I thought about those, the worse I felt. I decided to ignore my crazy thoughts, and do more preparation for EFY. I decided to read the Conference talks listed at the end of the lessons in the Handbook. As I was preparing, I was reminded of something important. I am not worried and feeling down because of my circumstances or my imperfections, but because my weak faith - faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, faith in my Heavenly Father, and faith in my divine potential that I've been given. So how can I fix this faith problem? What are some things I need to do (faith is action) to be strengthened in my faith? Part of the answer came from a talk in the May 2011 Ensign, given by Elder Russell M. Nelson about facing our future with faith. He made some clear points. It is addressed to parents, what to teach their children, but also I think it's what we should learn ourselves:

1. Obedience to the commandments
To prepare to meet God, we need to keep all the commandments of God. We need faith to keep them, and keeping the commandments strengthens that faith.

2. Prayer
Unmovable faith is strengthened through prayer. Our sincere and fervent prayers will change our perspective, and help us know that all things are for our experience and will work for our good. God will listen to our sincere, heartfelt prayers, and our faith will be strengthened.

3. Tithing
To develop a strong faith, we need to make a strong commitment to be full tithe payers. It takes faith at first to pay it, but in time the faith is strengthened and tithing becomes an important privilege.

4. Facing adversity
The way we face trials is a way to develop faith. Strength comes when we remember out divine nature, an inheritance of infinite value.

5. Priesthood blessings
Each of us can receive blessings through the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood. The power and authority of this priesthood holds the keys to all the spiritual blessings of the Church. These blessings can change the circumstances of our lives regarding our health, the companionship of the Holy Ghost, personal relationships, and future opportunities.

6. The Temple
The greatest of all Priesthood blessings are being offered in the holy temples of the Lord. As we stand faithful to our temple covenants, we will bring the blessing of eternal life to both ourselves and our family members.

The knowledge of the gospel and our love for our Heavenly father and our Savior will bring us comfort and sustain us and bring us joy in our hearts as we walk in righteousness and keep the commandments.

It is worth working on my faith. These are not easy times, as all around me people are changing the standards to their own pleasure, and there are many temptations and not so healthy influences. This is where strong faith can come in handy. Faith will guide me - us. Faith will protect us. Faith will give us hope. BUT only as long as we keep faith a verb, and not an adjective. Faith - action. This is something worth working for.

I don't feel that bad anymore. I have hope, I have desire, and I am getting down to the action part. Peace and joy come instantly, so I know I am not doing this alone - " Come unto Me" - the Savior is right beside me :)


  1. You are on the right path - just keep moving forward. Don't let the others distract you from what you know is right and the daughter of God you are.


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