Twists and Turns

   I looked over my New Year's goals, and tried to figure out where I stand on the way to achieving them. I have to say: I am not close to them, I got past them.
   I set some goals, but then I made up my mind: be bold and say yes to everything ... well, choose wisely, but I decided to get out of my comfort zone more often. And that is how I got to be a counselor at EFY... for the Hungarian group.
   We had our meeting as counselors last weekend. After two hours, I started wondering what I was doing there - everything in German, translated into Hungarian, and then my brain worked it into Romanian... when possible :)) By Saturday afternoon, my brain was a wreck! Am I out of my comfort zone? Yes! I don't speak German, I need to work on my Hungarian, preparing to work with youth... at least that will be fun :D
   It is starting to sound like me complaining... well, just so you know, I am very excited about EFY, and I can't wait for it to start! I read in Hungarian every day, and I do everything I can to give my best during that week.
   I feel like this is a great responsibility, and having to speak Hungarian to youth, and going to Germany to do that, now this is out of my comfort zone... it sounds weird saying that since I went to the States twice by myself, and I served a full-time mission.... I wonder what happened to me... but I am getting back to being bold and adventurous! And I love it! I do have a lot on my plate with EFY and the YSA conference and my branch callings, but it keeps me busy with doing good things, and it feels good. It's worth all the effort :)
   One thing I learnt is that I should set higher goals. I did not think for a second in January that I would end up here. So from now on,. higher goals, greater expectations, and more work :)

Oh, and here is a link to the video of our mini-EFY in Germany. It was all worth it :D Remember: aim high, you'll never know how far you can get unless you try.


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