
On Monday, we had FHE (Family Home Evening) at the senior couple's house. They had a wonderful lesson about gratitude, and it reminded me that I should be more grateful for what I have. They said something that stuck with me since: you cannot be happy without being grateful.

To be honest, we all want to be happy, right? So the longer the list of things we are grateful for, the happier we are :D

My list of things I am grateful for:
- phone - I can talk to my family every day
- camera - replaces my very poor memory
- computer - keeps me in touch with people all around the world
- food - it gets me in a very happy, positive mood - especially when shared with my friends and family
- my job - being able to pay for the phone, computer and food
- the sun - warms the water where I go swimming
- dark clouds - bring sweet, summer rain and thunders :D
- books - keep me company every day
- people, nature, cars,....

Just looking at my list and I already have a big smile on my face. I am a complainer, but in reality, I am a very happy person because I have many blessings :D So if you like to complain, try stopping once in the middle of your rant, and start counting the things you should be grateful for. You won't feel like complaining for a while now :D

Be grateful - stay happy! :D


  1. Thanks for sharing what you learned at FHE! :) Wise words!!


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