All things denote there is a God

I taught a very interesting lesson in Sunday School, about an Antichrist (someone who preaches against Christ and His teachings)- Korihor, who went among the people telling them there was no God, and what they believed in were just stupid traditions. There were people who believed him, and there were some wiser ones who decided to let Alma, the chief judge and high priest (if  I remember well) to deal with him. What I liked about Alma was that he didn't start to argue with him, and quote scriptures to show off how wise he was. He just bore testimony, saying: All things denote there is a God. Will you continue to deny it after having so many witnesses? (the planets, nature, the sun, the scriptures, miracles...) Unfortunately, Korihor was stubborn, he asked for a sign (and extra proof that God existed) and he became dumb - never to be able to speak again... for him it was too late to change his mind.

That same afternoon I decided to go for a walk - with my camera, of course - and this is what I saw. And I add to Alma's testimony that AL THINGS DENOTE THERE IS A GOD! Enjoy the pictures, and think of how wonderful and wise is the Creator of all these.


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