Retrospective on EFY

I finally feel rested. EFY was amazing! But I have to admit that I am not 18 anymore... it got to me! So I needed some time to readjust to my walk-work-walk schedule ;)

I don't want people to think that I am made of stone or a robot - which ideas shouldn't be excluded ;) EFY meant a lot to me. It was a new experience, challenging and uplifting.

First, I have to say that I had the best girls in my group. I was humbled by the love they showed me even from the first moment they got there. now you have to understand that I was horrified by the fact that my Hungarian is good except for the gospel, where I am still learning. But my girls didn't care how much a stuttered, they understood me. From this I learnt first that one can be blessed with charity towards others instantly. I never forgot I could come to love people in a very short time. I loved the girls (Panka, Fanni, Henni, Petra, Berta, Laura and Zsofi) from the start. I felt in a way like I was back on my mission, where that used to happen every day! My favorite language mistake: "Isteni szerelem" instead of "szeretet" ... (love as lovers vs. love as in friendly) Not bad, right? :))) Anyway, I miss meeting with them in the evening and learning together, praying together, and do our little cheer. We tried to stick together. I kept a bit of a distance during meals, letting them sit together and talk to each other. And you know what? They tied some tight friendships :D ... and me, I got to eat with different people every time :D ... I miss having the girls sit next to me and to put my arm around them. I am not comfortable hugging people that I just met, but these girls were just amazing! ho wouldn't want to hug them? :D

The second thing I learnt from not speaking well the language was that without the Holy Ghost it doesn't matter even if you speak your native language. I was reminded to rely on the Spirit all the time. I could feel it every time I had to teach, to testify, to guide. and they understood me even when not even I understood the words I was saying. Now I know how a missionary speaking another language feels :)
I had a very powerful experience with the Holy Ghost during the Teaching the Gospel activity. We didn't have enough pairs of youth to teach so  ended up teaching two from someone else's group. I did not know them, but they were ready to fight hard (they were my investigators that I had to teach) I had the outline from the booklet in front of me - in English!I had no idea how I would teach them. I started with the statement that God is our Heavenly Father. That much I can say with no problem ;) Their reply was : We don't believe in God. I tried to keep to the plan, but after a few seconds, i threw the booklet on the chair next to me. I looked them in the eyes. I started testifying of what I knew about our Father and about our Savior. I shared my conversion story, and testified some more. They tried to fight back at first, but the Spirit was so strong! They fell silent, and I was speaking fluent Hungarian, words came to me, even words that i didn't know I knew. It was so uplifting! They moved to another subject like shopping on Sunday mornings, but they couldn't keep fighting. It was amazing! I was reminded again that only the Spirit can teach, edify and testify.

another thing I learnt was humility. I used to think I was ok at this chapter. I used to think that treaing others kindly, respecting people's choices, being a friend were signs of humility. and they are, but these things are not enough. These are some ways to develop humility. On the last day, I don't know how I started thinking of this. I realized I was a constant complainer. I complain about work, I complain about health, i complain about a lot of things. But why do i complain when I am happy? Yes, I do have a lot of challenges and trials that I need to face at this time, but I am happy inside. I am at peace with my Father and with my Savior. Then why do i complain? It hit me on that day: because I am not humble! Humility means to accept and do the things that Lord tells you to. It is to do things His way, to face life's chircumstances with faith and trust in Him. So when I complain is like saying: I do not want things Your way, I want them my way! I want to be married and have children - now! I want to go to the temple - now! I want a better paid job where I appreciated and respected - now! I want I want I want... - now! This is not humility. Humility is making the best out of every situation, and with trust and hope work toward the day when the things I dream of are the Lord's gift to me. Yes, I am still single when my heart yearns for a family. Yes, I have a job where I am paid a lot less than I need to live a decent life. Yes, my health isn't perfect. BUT I do trust in the Lord that He can help me find the man to start a family with, he will help me have a better job that will allow me to do something more than just  surviving, and He will give me the health I need to accomplish all the things I was sent here for. And this is humility, being happy with what I have, being grateful, and trust the Lord for His help and support.

Now, one thing that I am very happy I got to learn was to dance. I learn some nice dance moves, and I can't wait to dance again! On Tuesday I was very clumsy, and guys got their feet stepped on, but Friday they got to keep their shoes clean :))

I came back with many amazing memories. I came back determined to be a better person. I came back happy. I came back changed, and I want to do everything necessary to stay changed, and maybe improve some more.

Why was EFY so amazing? Because we were all there with the same reason - to draw closer to God, to find Him, to get to know Him better - together. We learnt together, we had fun together, and we shared love with each other.

PS: The food was amazing too, I have to add that to my list ;) 


  1. Good to see you still strong in the Gospel of Jesus Christ - we wish you all the blessing of the Gospel.


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