Morning meditation

Being back from EFY helped me feel how much I changed during that week. One of the things is having the desire to write again :D

I'm back to my nice morning walks when I can enjoy the quiet and coolness of the morning. I had many thoughts running through my head, and for some weird reason, I started thinking of funny movies - like Shrek :) Then my thoughts jumped to Puss in Boots. It made me giggle. But I did not start thinking of Puss, but of the Egg. Have you watched the movie? If not, you must watch it!

What started going through my head is how the Egg, even from the time he was little, was trying to find the magic bean that would take him to the giant's castle up in the clouds where he would find the goose that lays golden eggs. He made a good friend, who tried to keep him out of trouble, but Egg thought he knew better. He picks wrong friends and he even ends up in prison! After he is released, he goes to his old friend, somehow convinces him that he changed over time, and together they go to find the goose that lays golden eggs.
They end up in the clouds, find a field of golden eggs, to which Egg says something like this: "I feel like I belong here", and he is filled with joy. Still, he takes the goose and comes back to earth, where he betrays his friend and makes a lot of money off of the goose. A bit later, his friend and him are getting into trouble, and Egg sacrifices in the end his life to save his friend's. As he hits the ground, his shall cracks, and it figures out that he was a golden egg himself. To this , his friend says: "I always knew you were good on the inside".

My thoughts: We are all here on earth with the goal to find that mansion in the sky - our Father's kingdom. While we are here on earth we make friends with different people, and if we're not careful, we get into trouble. This happens when we do not know who we are, what our potential is, where we came from and how we can reach our goal.
I am annoyed with the "I always knew..." statement. What is the worth of knowing only after death of your potential? I know that we are children of our loving Heavenly Father. (Romans 8:16) We feel that when we pray, when we go to Church meetings, when we study the scriptures. Just like the Egg when he was up in the clouds. He felt something, that he belonged here. The same with us. We feel something when we do these things. But unlike the Egg, we know what we need to do to keep those feelings. Don't ever stop relying on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ! It is never too late to change our ways. There is always a way back to our Home when we remember what He did for us, when we repent sincerely, and fill our lives with all good things. Let's not forget our potential for good. Let us not waste our golden inside just because the world makes us believe we are something else.

You and I have many talents, many skills that we can use to make this world a better place, so that when others are around us they can say "I feel like i belong" and they might know as well as us who they are. You might feel small, but it is not true. Let us not wait until it is too late to do good, to be kind, to love.

If you don't feel golden, if you don't know where to start, or if you know who you are and what your skills are but you want to improve, watch the following video. Let us shine our inner gold!


  1. Something I wrote a while back that goes well with this:

    We each received a gift that's precious above all,
    and yet we do not think of it, and it is left ignored.

    It stick to us with every breath, with everymove we make,
    and yet we let the time run by, and moments go to waste.

    Then something comes up on the path we choose to walk today,
    and somehowy we're reminded of the precious gift we still possess.


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