And we call this... laziness :))

I looked at the date that I last wrote in here. It does not look good! Grrr... lazy bum, on the couch... No more excuses! I have been telling myself may silly things to get away with it, but in the end, it turns to LAZINESS.

What has happened lately?
1. I got a job as a store assistant - it is great because I love working with people. I have met many Hungarians, and some Romanians. Every shift gives me a reason to smile: babies who smile, people who are nice, accomplishing a task flawlessly.

2. Two weeks after starting my new job, I got married to the most amazing man. The wedding was far better than I ever imagined, and many people were there who made it all perfect. My family has extended, and there is room enough for everybody in my heart.

3. Spend time with my husband travelling: we travelled to Scotland, to Chorley, to the Church... and delivering pizzas for Pizza Hut (Peter's evening job :) )

4. Made many friends in the Preston Ward, but also outside: co-workers, neighbour :)

5. Decided to do something useful with my too many pictures: make calendars and photo books. (and they are available to buy online, if you are interested)

We are now getting closer to Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then a new year to accomplish many new exciting things.

   One thing that I learnt this year is that hope and faith in God, in yourself, and in others, will bring many joys and many opportunities to achieve full happiness.

My goal is to become more prolific with my pictures and also with my blog. See you around, and remember: SMILE :D


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