Being married is...

I think I have been asked ten thousand times these past few months : "so how is married life?"

How do you answer this question? I just nod and say "Great!". And that is one of the words that come to my mind when I think of being married.

Why is it so great?
 Let's see: first, my husband is Superman, but don't tell anyone. He can do a thousand things at a time, but still take care of me and make me feel like the most important and precious woman in the world.
He has seen me sick, seen me happy, messy hair in the morning, make-up running down my face, and many other little things which are imperfect, but are part of me. He has seen most of it, and he loves me for every little part of me. He has seen my weaknesses, and he has done so much to help me overcome them, one by one. I still have a long way to go, but he is next to me every step.
We have been married almost six months, and we have had no arguments, no reproaching, no putting the other down. We have had moments of misunderstanding each other, but nothing a nice little chat couldn't fix.
My husband surprises me all the time: booking me a back massage after complaining about back aches; buying me my favourite chocolate, even when I complain about  my belly growing; giving me driving lessons when I least expecting him to; taking out of his work time just to have lunch with me or go for a walk with me.
One of the most amazing things is dreaming together. We have amazing goals together. We are walking the same way. We work together. We crawl together. We fly together. And through it all, we stick together.

Next time somebody asks about married life, what will I say? It's great!

My advice to every person: once you find that somebody, get the rings, and start working together. Don't postpone, don't listen to your fear and doubts, but hope and believe, and most of all, love and let them love you in return.


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