Away in a mager

 This is one of my favourite English Christmas songs. It makes me want to send a little prayer to Jesus and to commit again and again to follow Him

  This year though this song has made me reflect on the humble beginnings of this baby boy, and the beginning of Mary's journey to motherhood. 
Mary knew baby Jesus was God's Son. And she brought Him into this world as mortals do. Being a mother of two, it makes me wonder what was going through Mary's head right before giving birth, what were her worries? Did she wonder about where the baby would sleep? Did she wonder if the blanket she had would be warm enough for her baby boy? Was she worried about nappies? Or when the pains started, did she wonder if she would make it through? Was she worried that Joseph wouldn't know what to do, or how to help her? Did she wish her mother would be there?

With our first baby, were blessed to have moved into a new house where we prepared a room for our little Emma. We had a hospital bag with clothes, nappies, blanket for her. We knew that at the hospital there would be trained midwives to help with the birth. I was blessed to have midwives bring me water, check on me and the baby, and I gave birth on clean sheets. Little Emma had her own little bed next to mine. Nice, warm, cozy. I did worry about Peter getting bored since my labour was so long. I worried for a second that he would see blood... but those worries were short lived. I also had my mother in there. The second time I went into labour, it was quick. I didn't even make it to the bed, Maya shot out on the floor. Luckily, the midwife caught her on a towel. And then I got to lay in a clean bed, with warm blanket, and was offered food and drink.

I keep thinking of Mary. What she had to endure, giving birth to her baby on the hay, and then laying him in the manger - the manger that feeds animals! I bet she was worried! Would the baby get sick? Is the baby comfortable? Would they find a home soon enough? Would she recover soon enough to move out of the stable? They were too many miles away from family and friends. Who would help them out? She only had Joseph, and he only had her. Talk about marriage strengthening activity!
But also I am convinced she had tremendous faith and hope. She knew God would bless them and watch over them. God was the Father of this baby she was holding, protecting, raising. With God on her side, she knew she was safe. She must have known He would provide for them. She must have received such confirmation from heaven to know that they could overcome all the obstacles of the hard labour, no house to live in, no family or friends to support them, and prepare her to be the mother that Jesus needed to have. 

We take as normal all these things we have today to help us in our lives to become mothers and fathers. And if one small thing goes wrong, we freak out! Oh no, it's too late for an epidural! Oh no, we have blue clothes for our little girl! Oh no, the baby room is not ready! Oh no, there is no water birth at this centre! Oh no... you replace the dots. Do we have faith? Do we pray for help and strength in any circumstance in our lives? Yes, things might go wrong, yes, things might be out of our control. But God can help us, strengthen us, be there for us! Our trials can be turned into strengths when we turn to Him who knows us best. Our failed plans can be just a setback from our success. Life is wonderful! We are blessed! We are loved!


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