When life gives you rocks to lift...find a forklift

We are all living in this life filled with ups and downs. It's just funny how when things go smoothly for a while, and you think everything is just right, something happens that makes you stop in your tracks and regroup and replan and  and… and wonder! And you know what? It happens to each of us in different ways. I won't give examples because I know that as you are reading this, you remember at least one of these instances.

But here are some suggestions on how to deal with surprises:

1. Laugh at it for a minute

 Just laugh at how silly it is. Make a few jokes about it, keep it a bit light for a minute. It will keep you from getting too angry, or worked up, so you can think clearly for a second.

2. It is your life to live, you are the only one responsible for the path you choose now

I had people giving me advice what to do next, I listened, and I appreciate their help. Some ideas inspired me. But I realised it was not their choice how I would react. It was not their decision what I was to do next. It was all on me! And my way is different because I am a different person. How boring it would be for all of us to be the same and choose the same and react the same!

3. Turn to those who really care about you

There are many people around us, but not all of them are interested in our well-being. So look for those who love you, know you, care about you. They are the ones who will support you in what you choose, even if they do not agree with your choice.

4. Do not leave faith out of the equation

I realise not every person has faith in God or a supreme being. Maybe you believe in fate, or karma. Or maybe you have a strong faith and are in good standing before God. Whatever you believe in, stick to it! Turn inward and upward to find strength to deal with whatever you have to deal with. You will feel better when you count your blessings instead of counting problems! And I know God is just one prayer away :D

5. Turn outward

Nothing makes you feel better than knowing you helped someone. It could be just making someone laugh, or packing their shopping, or giving a hug. When you focus on helping others, your own problems feel less serious, and puts things in a new perspective. Remember, we are all in this life together! We are all connected in different ways.

6. Do not get discouraged, do not give up.

There is always a way out. And if the issue is something to live with, you will find the strength to become a happy person in your circumstances.

I am not saying these are the solution for everyone, because we are not the same. But I think you could get some inspiration for your life by reading my words. I am not perfect, I know it. I am silly, I am flawed, but this is me. And even with all my flaws, I can choose to share light.


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