God knows

God knows what we can or cannot do, what our talents are, what are some of our weaknesses, but more important, our strengths. for me it's a pretty scary thought, because I don't know myself all that well. I know myself only from the experiences I have had, I always think I know what my limits are , but usually I am wrong.
I had an experience to remind me that there are things I can do, even if i think I can't. I guess God knows. It happened again at Marilena's baptism. There weren't a lot of people there....10 or so. But everyone was happy, and excited about what was about to happen. I was trying to help Marilena feel more at ease, and enjoy the event. It was a big step for her after all. As we were getting ready to begin, I saw the branch president come towards me.  thought he was going to make sure I had prepared a short talk about the gift of the Holy Ghost, so no stress for me, right? Wrong!!! Guess what? He was actually going to ask me to play the piano! I was shocked! I looked around me,and I realized that except for the missionaries, no one could play the piano. I looked petrified at the missionaries, but they shook their heads:they couldn't either! Panic attack! I walked slowly to the keyboard, praying the electricity would be cut off, or Cristina to walk in, but nothing happened. I opened the hymnbook, but I could barely read the notes! I hadn't practiced in a very long time, and my fingers wouldn't listen to me! I butchered every single hymn, even "Nearer my God to Thee", which i used to know by heart! I was expecting people to frown, or hate me, but my luck was that everyone was too happy about the baptism to care about the lousy piano performance. I am so grateful that the spirit was there, and everyone felt the importance of what was happening there: somebody was making a covenant with God to follow Him, to take Christ's name upon her, and walk the road of faith and obedience. That was what mattered then.
What did I learn? I had a talent, and haven't used it. But God knew I had it, and reminded me that I should always try to improve so when He needs me, I am prepared. Simple, right?


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