My degree project

I made a 3D world for my degree exam. I have no idea if the teachers will like it, or approve of it. I enjoyed making it, and from time to time, I love to play with it. It comes in three languages (Romanian, English, and Hungarian). I'm not good at the whole "moving around" because I don't play computer games, so the video looks like a two year old walking around, bumping into things. Also, because I was running the recording software, it doesn't look like it works smoothly, but in reality it does. The music doesn't come with my program, but I did have some sounds - dolphins, ocean waves, birds. I added the music to the video so it would be more entertaining.
I hope you'll have the patience to watch the 6 minute movie, and actually that you'll enjoy it. Leave comments and suggestions, ok? Thank you :D


  1. Hey, I like the thing! Which 3D- Programm did you use,
    btw. I added your blogg to my reader ;)


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