An answered prayer

You know how life has ups and downs, right? Have you ever felt you are in a storm and the wind keeps freezing you as you try to move forward? Well,  I had had that feeling for a while, and it wore my spirit off. During all that, I made the mistake of not turning to the Lord, and try to do it all on my own. What did that lead to?I lost something inside my heart, there was something missing.

I decided to get it back. I really missed that feeling of peace, of communion with God. So I started reading a bit from the scriptures, pray a bit more, but I did not feel the difference.... until Sunday morning. I woke up, aching and tired, and I started the day by saying a very heartfelt and sincere prayer, asking for help to feel the Holy Ghost again with me, to feel that peace again. I felt that it wasn't enough to pray, so I read the lesson for Relief Society for that day. It was a lesson from the Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith, a lesson about the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum. I was very exited to go to Church and hear the teacher talk about those things.

I got to Church, and I got things ready for the lesson, and I was ready to conduct the meeting when one of the sisters asked me what the lesson was. So I told her it was lesson 7, and I asked the teacher to confirm it. The teacher told me not to look at her because she wasn't the teacher any more, so she was not teaching that day. I was shocked! That meant I had to teach! But I did not prepare! I didn't have a clue how to present that lesson! We sang the opening hymn and had an opening prayer, while my heart stopped beating. What was I going to do? As I stood up with the manual, I felt my mind go blank. It didn't start very well. I asked some sisters to read some paragraphs, but where was I going with it? Five minutes into the lesson, my mind started filling up with ideas, and questions, and quotes. The lesson started getting somewhere. After half an hour, my heart started catching up, being filled with this sweet feeling of joy and peace, a feeling that I had been looking for for weeks. It was sublime, sweet, uplifting, and empowering. I felt good!

At the end of the meeting, I realised that this was the answer to my prayer. The Lord gave me the chance to open my heart to the Spirit. He made me humble first, making me rely solely on Him, then, as I sought for His help, He filled my mind and my heart. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who always finds a way to help me, even if it's not the way I expect it or want it.

Some things to remember: don't doubt that He knows how to help, don't forget that He is able to help, don't give up hope when you don't get your answer right away. There is always a way! Just hold on, and move on. The answer, help, guidance, is along the way. Be willing to work for it, even if it means doing things that are out of your comfort zone. That is when it will get to you. I know it's true :D 


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