Trying a new recipe

Last week, I got a bit homesick. I kept on remembering these amazing desserts with jam and walnuts in them, like little croissants, but not the soft ones. I don't know what they would be called in English. In Romanian, we call them 'cornulete cu gem si nuca'.

I thought to myself: why not make them? I got on the internet, onto Google (Google has the answer to anything, right?) and I found a recipe. Well, it was all very precise, in grams... but since I don't have kitchen scales, I had to resort to my good old eyes, which are not as good as they used to be ;) After using 6 different bowls, 8 spoons, 2 wooden spoons, 3 forks ( I think you have a pretty good picture of how much I knew what I was doing) AND getting 3 working spaces all dirty, I finally got the dough and the filling ready. And then came the tricky part. I know, you think all this was tricky :), but believe me, this was the easy part. Now, in the recipe it says I need to roll the dough out on a floured surface and cut out triangles. Easy, right? I was thrilled! It was something I knew how to do! Then, I was supposed to put a bit of jam in the middle, and roll it up... How in the world can you do that one? I had the filling fall right out, I had the dough rip to pieces... I still haven't figured it out. So I just decided to through in the oven whatever I can get out of it. It wasn't pretty...

I got a picture attached, with the final result. Believe me, it tasted better than it looks :) I spent the next to days filling my moth and stomach with these, and I was HAPPY :D

In conclusion, trying new stuff can be fun, and good, even if it doesn't look like what I expected, or tasted like I expected. I need to be more brave and try more things.

Till then, stop by and I'll share with you some of my cookin' :) See you around!


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