Our home

It's amazing how quickly time flies. In three weeks, Peter and I will be celebrating 1 year of being married to each other. I am very bad when it comes to presents, so I am clueless... well, almost :)

Last night we had a nice conversation, and one thing he asked me was to make our home more Christ centred. I have given this some thought... how can you make a home more Christ centred?

I think that the first thing is to make our hearts Christ centred, individually. Maybe start from there: personal prayers and scripture study coupled with "companionship" study and prayers. We have been doing things on our own, but not too much together. Maybe that is the first step.

Then, maybe put more reminders in our home. Pictures of temples, pictures of temples... Maybe even more pictures of us. We don't have anything on these walls, they are blank. It doesn't feel like a home, it's just a house... we can change it. Starting with us :)

I will get some nice music on CDs so we can always have uplifting music around the house. It will be a very good replacement for the cheap music played on the radio. Don't get me wrong, there are some very good songs out there that inspire me and cheer me up, I will listen to those. But I will have my own selection of music.

What are some more ideas? What do you do to make your home a refuge, a love centred, faith centred home?


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