Day off... what a day !!! :)

I was so happy to be able to sleep till 9 am, and not stress out that I would have to be at work in 5 hours! I managed to do a lot of things... ok, not a whole lot, but important things.

1. Read a church talk! It has been so long since I actually read something from the prophet today, and it made me so happy to read one of his addresses "Great Expectations" (CES janury 2009) It was so good! I felt like I needed to be more diligent with everything I did: work, school, serving, spiritual growth. Lately, I have found thousands of reasons to be lazy, so reading about the importance of setting a course in life, and sticking hard to it, was kind of like a cold shower. I decided to complain less, work more, and be happy!

2. The sister missionaries came to visit me. It was so good to talk to Sora Benson (we were companions for 12 weeks in Ploiesti)! We laughed a lot, ate chocolate, and we discussed about a conference talk,"Moral Discipline" by Elder Cristofferson. We talked about how people outside the church have no more moral discipline, they don't know what is rigt or wrong anymore because no one talks about it! The media today is full of useless or missleading information, leading people to blindness. It is so important for us, as members, to stand up for what is right, not to be scared of saying what we know to be correct. We can aquire a firm knowledge and determination to do the right as we live the gospel ourselves, as we study the scriptures and apply them, as we go to church and seek ways to serve others. The closer we draw to God, the easier it becomes to choose the right, and temptation loses its power to attract us. It's the little things that matter - the little things we do every day are the ones that lead to big things: big sins, or great strength. It depends on us, individually. I love sitting with the missionaries, and talk about spiritual things. It gives me greater understanding, and greater strength. Sometimes i can't believe it I was a missionary myself! Missionaries are truly God's representatives. I am so grateful for them, for what they do for every person they talk to!,5232,23-1-1117-34,00.html

3. I paid today the tax for a visa interview. I will have the interview in two weeks. I don't think I told people yet, but I really want to go and visit everyone in Utah. I miss my friends, and I hope I can meet with a lot of them, and have fun! I hope I get the visa! we'll see in two weeks :)

4. I took a nap in the afternoon! I haven't taken a nap like that in such a long time, I forgot how good it feels! I just became a huge fan of naps :))

5. Cleaned the house! It was so messy! Man, days off are necessary for rest, but also for cleaning, cooking, laundry, and all that fun stuff that makes living pleasant! I had no idea that my Dictionary of Science was under my hoody, I could have sworn it was under the bed! Haha :))

Ok, life is great, and it gets better every day :D


  1. Deci cand planifici sa vi in UT? Ce fain!!!! Vi doar in vizita? sper ca o sa iti mearga bine la interviu. Succes!!!


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